BHETSA is a project funded by the PRIN2020 call. Goal of the project is to evolve the successful Virgo Superattenuator concept, to enable detection down to a few Hz and giving access to high-mass black holes and high redshift ones from the early Universe, or allowing an early warning to other observatories of neutron star mergers. The project includes testing the new Superattenuator elements in real conditions at Sos Enattos in Sardinia, the site candidate to host ET for its extremely low seismicity.

Achieving detections of low frequency gravitational waves is crucial for the science program of the Einstein Telescope.


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Research Position at INFN-Pisa on Machine learning methods for seismic attenuation in the Einstein Telescope

We invite applications for two 1-year research position (Assegno di Ricerca) on the BHETSA Project open to graduate students and postdoctoral researchers. The successful candidate will be working at the Pisa Section of the National Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN) on the topics related to machine learning applications for seismic attenuation systems for the Einstein Telescope.

The research group on Gravitational Wave in Pisa has a longstanding experience in many areas of Gravitational Wave Research. The group is composed by researchers from the University of Pisa and the INFN and is strongly involved in the Advanced Virgo and Einstein Telescope experiment. The activities of the group covers many different aspects of research in gravitational wave physics, ranging from experimental activities to data analysis and astrophysical modeling and interpretation.

Job description

  • Title: “Machine learning methods for advanced control techniques and data processing for the Einstein Telescope seismic isolation”
  • Deadline for applications: August 6, 2024, 23:59 CEST
  • How to apply: Go to the INFN recruitment website and search for the call ID 26911. You can also find here a PDF file with information on the call.
  • For more information please contact

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Research Position at INFN-Pisa on Seismic Attenuation for the Einstein Telescope

We invite applications for two 1-year research position (Assegno di Ricerca) on the BHETSA Project open to graduate students and postdoctoral researchers. The successful candidate will be working at the Pisa Section of the National Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN) on the topics related to next-generation seismic attenuation systems for the Einstein Telescope.

The research group on Gravitational Wave in Pisa has a longstanding experience in many areas of Gravitational Wave Research. The group is composed by researchers from the University of Pisa and the INFN and is strongly involved in the Advanced Virgo and Einstein Telescope experiment. The activities of the group covers many different aspects of research in gravitational wave physics, ranging from experimental activities to data analysis and astrophysical modeling and interpretation.

Job description

  • Title: “Experimental development and characterization of mechanical filter prototypes for seismic attenuation in the Einstein Telescope”
  • Deadline for applications: August 1, 2024, 23:59 CEST
  • How to apply: Go to the INFN recruitment website and search for the call ID 26909. You can also find here a PDF file with information on the call.
  • For more information please contact

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